
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Folsom RV Company Brings Your Prize Vehicle out of Winter Storage

The change in seasons gives you a chance to free your RV from what might have been several months in storage. According to writer Curtis Carper in a contribution for the Fun Times Guide, there are a lot of things you’ll need to take care of to make sure your vehicle is properly acclimatized. As such, you should book a de-winterization session with a Folsom RV company like Prairie City RV. Storage Location The condition of the RV when it comes out of storage will depend on where it was stored - a special storage compound for RVs, your garage, or simply outside the house at the mercy of the elements. The latter may require having the vehicle wrapped under a large canvas tarpaulin.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Annual RV Repair in Sacramento: Imperative for Regular Turnarounds

An RV is a great vehicle to have if you enjoy going on vacations and spending quality time with your family and friends. Even with such a wonderful way to travel making the most of it will require constant care. An article on RVLiving.net states that scheduled downtimes will prevent costly mishaps while on the road. Sacramento, CA is the hub of a road network centered on I-5 and branches out up north to Oregon, east to several national parks and all the way down to LA. There are some long stretches of road that do not have any service stations on them and being stuck in the middle of nowhere can be the ultimate bummer and dangerous. With that in mind, you need to check in with professionals at RV repair in Sacramento like Prairie City RV.